Saturday, 27 March 2010

in case you didn't know.

never really been worthy
how could i touch her flawless skin
when my fingernails were so dirty?
and i don't know if it hurt me
the words I'm looking for are- numb pain
i would walk for hours just hoping for some rain
angel's tears on my face, like 'sean we feel the same'
i love her, earned and deserve her
but that's not the way love works.
why do the nicest girls always go for the jerks?
I'd come back from work
my spirit depleted soul defeated but her smile
made me feel well worth my while
it birthed the man who shrugs off denial,
invites in every single emotion
as i know love never comes alone
she brings the type of shit that stops you
from answering the phone, the type
of anger that has your future postponed
but a life without love is like a house without a home
and i've never needed a throne,
just a big bottomed babe that smiles when she mis-behaves
hair that bounces when she dances, unafraid.
to raise stakes.
to take chances
but make no mistake
i don't need that either. and neither did i ever need her
even though i may have thought i did, and god knows
i never kept that feeling hid- my feeling now can only
be described as: big. not bigger, like bigger than you,
than some. no, just the biggest one of all the seans before that have come
what I'm trying to say is.

i LIKE my dirty fingernails just the way they are.
a-thank you.

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